A Walk on the Wild Side

When my daughter-in-law asked me to walk a labyrinth with her, my response was an immediate, “okay…?” followed almost simultaneously by the thought, “uh-oh, is this New Age cult stuff?”

She explained that labyrinths have existed for thousands of years and have been used by the church for meditation since the early 4th century A.D.  So I figured…why not try?!

There is no ‘right’ way to walk a labyrinth.  What has worked best for me is to sift through my worries, concerns, or issues as I slowly meander the pathway.  As each thought arises, I intentionally give it over to Jesus.  By the time I reach the center of the labyrinth, my spirit and heart have entered a place of quiet, and I am ready to hear from God.  On the return path, I am in strict listening mode, seeking to be open to whatever He wants to say.

My labyrinth walks are always a bit on the wild side.  I like knowing what to expect and that’s usually not how Jesus meets me.  In my early walks, I often sought answers to specific questions.  Invariably, Jesus would speak to me about something completely different.  I have learned to go in with little expectation, being open to His leading.

Advent is a time to prepare for celebrating the birth of Jesus.  Although I would like to say that my days include time for quiet reflection, my reality is that I get busier and more distracted as the days tick closer to Christmas.  There is always so much to do by Christmas Day!  This time of year can be chaotic:  writing letters, mailing cards, baking cookies, and wrapping and sending gifts.  It is incredibly overwhelming.

If we want to live Beyond the Noise, even in times of chaos, we need to quiet our hearts and be willing to listen to Jesus. 

Consider the following:

  • Journal to identify concerns you need to release to Jesus, or record what you hear from God. 

  • Go on a walk by yourself.  Practice the rhythm of a labyrinth as you walk. Take half the walk to quiet your mind before Jesus. Then, as you walk back, simply listen.

  • Find a place to be alone for 15-20 minutes in the comfort of your home.  Take a bath or wrap up in a blanket.  Put away all distractions.  Spend half the time you have set aside releasing your concerns and worries, and half the time listening.

  • If you are a single parent, be creative!  Use naptime, or when your children go to bed to spend time alone with Jesus.

  • If you have a labyrinth nearby, why not try it?  Walk the labyrinth and see where God leads.

As you live further into a life Beyond the Noise, you will start to notice differing ways to quiet your heart.


Living Beyond the Noise is not the absence of chaos but an ever-deepening indwelling of the Holy Spirit, allowing quiet in the midst of chaos. 

The more you listen, the more you may find that Jesus is wanting to speak about something you hadn’t anticipated.  Just go with it – take a walk on the wild side.

Go Beyond:

“What are ways you quiet your heart so you can hear Jesus speak?”

Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

Feel free to share your response in the comments below!

Barbara Moffat

Barbara Moffat is a wife, mother, structural engineer, corporate vice president, and lover of Jesus. She has served on numerous ministry teams and boards over the years. As Jesus has opened this door to a new ministry she has responded by obediently and wholeheartedly embracing this new book-writing, blogging, and speaking venture. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and loves rain, books, and coffee walks with friends.


What’s In Focus?


Finding Myself Beyond The Noise